Steve Edwards in Brathay 10 Marathons in 10 Days Challenge

Brathay 10 Marathons in 10 Days Challenge

Between 8th and 17th May our very own Steve Edwards completed the Brathay 10 Marathons in 10 days Challenge for a third successive time and also look to defend his world record for the fastest aggregate time which he set at last year's event.

Steve Edwards smashes world record at Windermere

click on picture for a larger version.

The marathon route for this challenge follows the same hilly 26.2 mile circuit around Lake Windermere, considered to be one of the UK's toughest road marathons. At the age of 46, Steve was the oldest male challenger in the event, (the youngest was just 22), so the thought of attempting to run another 10 consecutive marathons around England's largest lake let alone defend a world record was particularly daunting.

Steve is again be raising money for the Brathay Hall Trust charity which makes this all worth while and he's determined to at least complete the challenge. Brathay's work with disadvantaged children and young people from all over the UK is invaluable in giving them the confidence and life skills to make positive choices which ultimately helps them overcome the difficulties arising from their poor social circumstances.

10 Marathons in 10 days, that's 262 gruelling miles in total. You can follow Steve's progress or indeed sponsor him on his Justgiving page at

Steve Edwards smashes world record at Windermere

click on picture for a larger version.

Steve wants to say a big thank you to all those that sponsored him last year, including his family, relatives, friends, work colleagues, running clubs and also the corporate donations has received.

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Report Highlights

Day 1     - 3:13
Day 2     - 3:23
Day 3     - 3:26
Day 4     - 3:17
Day 5     - 3:15
Day 6     - 3:18
Day 7     - 3:18
Day 8     - 3:18
Day 9     - 3:25
Day 10   - 3:20

Daily Average   - 3:19:39

You can follow Steve's progress or indeed sponsor him on his Justgiving page at

Steve's current World Record was set as follows:

Total Time: 35:20:44

Day 1   - 3:26
Day 2   - 3:36
Day 3   - 3:33
Day 4   - 3:37
Day 5   - 3:35
Day 6   - 3:34
Day 7   - 3:30
Day 8   - 3:29
Day 9   - 3:29
Day 10 - 3:27

Daily average 3:32:04