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Westonbirt Trail 10k - 10 June

25 Bourton Roadrunners completed the Westonbirt Trail 10k, drawn to the event by the opportunity to run through the magnificent surroundings of the arboretum on a “summer’s” evening, and (more importantly) to win club competition points. And didn’t they do well!

Cal Winwood continued his impressive season by finishing 4th out of 700 runners in 34:30. Speedy Mike Smith was 5th (1st MV40) and Dennis Walmsley 9th (1st MV50).

Then came Ewen Smith (37:27 & 2nd MV40), Andy Chapple (37:52 & 2nd MV50), Darren Long (37:55), Rob French (38:12) and Mike Hobbs (38:53). Shona Crombie-Hicks was next in, finishing 2nd Lady in 39:17. Niamh Shoemark recorded another PB and was 1st FV45 in 42:40.

John Gibson was 43:37 and Ali Lane was 1st FV55 in 44:10. Next was Rob Humphris (44:50), Brian Hulcup (44:55) , Claire Harrison (47:08) and Liz Hulcup (47:10). Susan Hunt finally achieved her dream of running a 10k quicker than her age, with a PB of 47:55, chased by Jan Short in 48:07. Gill Carrick was close behind with 48:22, Norm Lane 48:52, Chris Dry 49:24, David Pyne 50:13, Ed Rozier 52:55 and Lynn Hudson 54:49.

Being an evening race, it was getting close to bed-time before the prizes were awarded. However, Ms Shoemark’s current winning streak has provided new interest and amusement for those who stay on for the Awards, as each Race Director puts his/her interpretation on the pronunciation of “Niamh”. There was also the short-lived excitement of being awarded the Ladies’ Team prize, before a protest-driven recalculation revealed that Bourton had in fact come a close second to Stroud and the cheques were hastily retrieved (we should have left quicker).

Never-the-less, it was a happy troop of Bourton Roadrunners who headed home clutching their race memento. This year it was a green micro-fibre towel – not quite as unique as the sapling awarded in previous years; but better for drying yourself with.



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Cal Winwood achieves 4th-place at Westonbirt 10k, in a brilliant time of 34:30.

Mike Smith was 5th (1st MV40) and Dennis Walmsley 9th (1st MV50) at Westonbirt 10k.

Shona Crombie-Hicks was 2nd Lady in 39:17 and Niamh Shoemark recorded another PB and was 1st FV45 in 42:40.

Other reports may be found on our recent race reports page.