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Whitehorse 5k - Race 1 of 4 - 21 May

A group of Bourton Roadrunners travelled to the Whitehorse Inn to test their fitness in the first of the 5k series, and several discovered that they were in fact fitter than they’ve ever been before.

Cal Winwood stormed home in 16:15 for 1st U21, within sight of Dennis Walmsley who was 1st V50 in 16:53. Rob French clocked 17:40 and Brendan Caragher 17:50.

Then came the Ladies, with Shona Crombie-Hicks making a welcome return to racing with 18:40 for 1st LV40. Niamh Shoemark and Gill Carrick both ran lifetime best times, topping their age categories, with 20:22 and 23:01 respectively.

Jan Short was 2nd LV50 with 23:17; although her achievement wasn’t quite reflected in the official results that showed her as a man called John. Luckily, Jan’s sex-change didn’t adversely affect the team results and Bourton Ladies finished 3rd.



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Cal Winwood was 1st U21 at Whitehorse 5k, in 16:15.

Dennis Walmsley picks-up another 1st MV50 at Whitehorse 5k, in 16:53.

Shona Crombie-Hicks continues her return, with 1st LV40 in 18:40.

Other reports may be found on our recent race reports page.