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Linda Franks 5 miles - 27 January

Bourton Roadrunners were out in force at the Linda Franks 5 mile road race, looking to start the season with points in both the County road race series and the club 6-from-10 competition.

The recent snow had been replaced by gale-force winds; but the tough conditions didn’t phase Mike Smith. Despite having not raced for over a year, Mike breezed into second place in 27:55, just 4 seconds behind the winner. Dennis Walmsley was a superb 3rd, in 28:20.

Ewen Smith’s strong performance in 12th (30:26), scooped the men’s team prize for Bourton. Newcomer Rob French had an impressive run to finish 18th with 30:54. Next in for Bourton was Steph Lane, 2nd lady in 32:17, hotly pursued by Brendan Caragher in 32:21.

Claire Harrison and John Gibson crossed the line together in 35:35. Steph Holton sneaked under 37 minutes in 36:59, ahead of Brian Hulcup (37:21) and John Raper (38:02). Liz Hulcup (38:08) and Chris Dry (38:15) accelerated over the last few metres to overtake a dozing Susan Hunt, who finished with a personal best of 38:20.

Pete Carrick (38:25) didn’t wait for Mum, Gill (39:12). David Pyne finished in 39:36, Norm Lane in 40:33 and Lynn Hudson in 43:44.

Threshold Winter 10k, Ilmington - Race 4 - 27 January

Meanwhile, Niamh Shoemark took on Race 4 of the Threshold Winter 10k Series at Ilmington. The already challenging course had been changed to avoid the extra challenge of drifting snow; but still featured a gruelling hill climb and descent. Niamh was 5th lady in 48:16 and, with one race remaining, lies in 2nd place in the ladies series competition.



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Mike Smith is 2nd and Dennis Walmsley 3rd in the first race in 6-from-10 and County series.

Steph Lane achieves a find 2nd lady at Linda Franks 5.

Bournton men pick-up 1st team.

Niamh Shoemark completed 4th race of Threshold series and lies in 2nd place.

Other reports may be found on our recent race reports page.