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Guy Fawkes 5m, Tewkesbury - 3 November

19 Bourton Roadrunners lined up for the start of the Guy Fawkes 5 mile race at Tewkesbury. Conditions were kinder for the 350 participants than they had been in previous years: it was windy; but not raining for a change.

This was the final race in the county road race series and the penultimate race in the club 6 from 10 competition. Some runners could relax in the knowledge that they had already secured their county and/or club titles (or that they had no hope of winning anything) whereas others were still on a mission to win points for prizes.

Mike Smith and Dennis Walmsley battled it out at the front of the race. Mike’s tactic - sheltering behind Dennis, before surging ahead at the finish - paid off, as he streaked to an 8 second victory. Mike was 9th overall and 1st MV45 (28:10) and Dennis 10th and 1st MV50 (28:18). Darren Long is never far behind the leaders and was 18th (30:12).

Shona Crombie-Hicks was the clear winner in the ladies’ race, with 30:41 and ever-improving Steph Lane was 3rd Lady with 32:25. John Gibson has had a cracking season (no-one can believe that he is 60) and finished in 34:35. Like-wise Ali Lane had another outstanding run with 35:35. Claire Harrison won the LV35 prize (36:16) with Brian Hulcup breathing down her neck (36:18).

Steph Holton ran an excellent 36:42. Mick Hunt only returned to running last month, so was happy to complete his 1st solo race in 18 years in 37:35. Liz Hulcup stormed to LV60 victory in 37:51. Susan Hunt’s legs hadn’t quite forgiven her for the Snowdonia marathon the previous weekend and carried her to a 38:50 finish.

Consistent David Pyne ran 39:59 on the back of a cross country race at Pittville Park the previous day. He was followed by Gill Carrick (40:38), Shirley Creed (41:10) and Lynn Hudson (43:17). Sadly, Ewen Smith pulled up at 3 miles with a hamstring injury - hopefully, he will recover quickly ready for next season.



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Mike Smith was 1st MV45 (9th) and Dennis Walmsley was 1st MV50 (10th) at Guy Fawkes 5.

Shona was clear ladies winner at Guy Fawkes 5, in 30:41.

Claire Harrison was 1st LV35 and Liz Hulcup 1st LV60.

Other reports may be found on our recent race reports page.