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White Horse Half Marathon - 6 April 2014

The Spring season of marathons and half marathons is now underway, giving many Bourton Roadrunners the chance to test the success of their winter training.

The White Horse Half Marathon took place at Grove in Oxfordshire. Bourton was represented by Shona Crombie-Hicks and Ewen Smith. The competition was tough, as the race incorporates the Oxfordshire County Half Marathon Championships.

Shona dominated the Ladies’ race, storming home to win in 1:24:51, over a minute ahead of her closest rival. Ewen also had a great run, finishing in 1:25:39.

Manchester Marathon - 6 April 2014

Meanwhile, at the Manchester Marathon, Tim Heming finished in an outstanding time of 2:48:49.

Catherine Wheeler also reaped the rewards of her hard work in training (keeping up with Steph Holton during her long runs, and enduring club speedwork sessions under the hawk-like watch of Dennis Walmsley) with a PB of 3:40:23.

Brighton Marathon - 6 April 2014

The Brighton Marathon gave Steve Edwards the opportunity to stretch his legs, just 2 weeks after he completed the Enigma 7 marathons in 7 days event. Still carrying some niggles (not surprisingly), he had to dig deep and was very pleased to finish his 630th marathon in 3:11:22.

Susan Hunt, running her 6th marathon, was scuppered by cramp in the final miles and finished in 4:02:09. The champagne that she had taken to the event in the hope of celebrating her 1st sub-4 hour finish therefore returned home uncorked.



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Shona is first lady at White Horse Half.

The White Horse Half results are available to download.

Tim Heming achieves 2:48:49 at Mancester Mararthon in a quality field.

The Manchester Marathon results are available to download.

Steve Edwards completes marathon number 630 at Brighton, in 3:11:22.

Susan Hunt also put in a stoic performance at Manchester, completing her 6th marathon.

Other reports may be found on our recent race reports page.