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Gloucestershire Cross-Country League, Pittville Park, Cheltenham - 3 November

At the 2nd race in the Gloucestershire Cross Country League series in Pittville Park, Cheltenham, the seniors had some excellent results.

In the Ladies race, Lucy Walmsley finished 5th overall and 1st vet40 and Claire Harrison finished a fantastic 48th in her cross country debut.

In the men’s race Tony Goodwill was 94th, Rob French 107th, Chris Hartley 154th, David Pyne 194th and Norm Lane 205th and 3rd V65.

Guy Fawkes 5 miles, Tewkesbury - 4 November

The following day was the Guy Fawkes 5 at Tewkesbury. Freezing rain did not deter a host of Bourton Roadrunners from turning out for this popular race, which forms part of the county road race series and 6 from 10 club competition.

First in for the club was Darren Long in 30:14 and 1st MV40. Shona Crombie-Hicks was 1st lady in 30:34 with Steph Lane 4th lady in 32:43. Nigel Frith was next in with 32:57.

Claire Harrison continued her impressive first racing season with a 5 mile debut of 34:18. Rob Humphris was close behind in 34:43. Brian Hulcup ran an excellent race with 35:57. Steph Holton ran a confident 36:42, with Chris Dry chasing with 37:10 and Ali Lane on his shoulder in 37:15.

David Pyne had a good run with 38:02 and Liz Hulcup was 1st LV55 with 38:15. Gill Carrick finished in 38:53, Norm Lane in 40:41 and Shirley Creed was delighted with 41:59 (4 minutes quicker than last year). Lynn Hudson finished in 42.22, Alan Gibson 42.45 and John Gibson 42:46.



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Lucy Walmsley finishes in top-5 at Pittville Park cross-country, with Norm Lane 3rd V65.

Darren Long is 1st V40 at Tewkesbury 5, with Shona Crombie-Hicks 1st lady.

Steph Lane achieves another fine result at Tewkesbury, finishing 4th lady.

A number of impressive PBs achieved at Guy Fawkes 5, including Alan Gibson by 1 minute 56 (beating dad again this year on the sprint-in).



Other reports may be found on our recent race reports page.